Another power tool that every serious woodworker must own is a jointer. Its ability to level wood is vital in the assembling process of furniture, shelving units, houses, and world-class handicrafts. This seemingly simple task will go a long way in uplifting the quality of your outputs.
At this point, we recognize that not everyone appreciates the value of jointers. People would often assume their consistency without even checking, only to realize the discrepancies when it's too late. Unfortunately, a majority of those in this situation end up paying more, not to mention the hassle it brings.
So instead of putting yourself through the trouble, why not eliminate the problem by investing in a wood jointer? In this article, we'll be discussing in detail the clear advantages this tool offers, coupled with a list of potential choices. If you're interested in learning more, we hope you take the time to read through our best jointer review - well before canvassing through options.
Jointer Comparison Table
Wood Jointer | features | editor's rating | |
- A 2-horsepower motor can easily straighten out wooden boards at an efficient rate - Its tabletop can be extended to a maximum of 73-inches, ready for any workpiece imaginable | 4.3/5.0 | ||
- The helical cutter-head employs a four-sided knife insert design for greater effectivity - Managing the table’s orientation is easy and adjustable anywhere from 45 to 90 degrees | 5.0/5.0 | ||
- Evens out workpieces at 20,000-RPM so you save both time and money while working - At only 36-lbs, this jointer is compactly-size and can be brought around anywhere you desire | 4.2/5.0 | ||
- Its rip fence is quite flexible, helping put it in positions that are most comfortable to you - Made using sold steel so both its durability and sturdiness are improved tremendously | 4.0/5.0 | ||
- All its vital parts are finished using cast iron making it robust enough to handle big jobs - Leaves a minimal footprint and uses up very little space when on your table | 3.0/5.0 |
Jointer Reviews
Investing in a jointer that’s over $2000 isn’t ideal, especially for beginners. Except, of course, if it’s as complete as the Powermatic 1610086K Jointer with Helical Cutter-Head. Owning a power tool of this caliber will undoubtedly help in simplifying any task that comes your way.
Through our efforts, we’ve uncovered everything there is to know about it. Now, we can say for certain how user-friendly this device is. It’s funny because first impressions would usually paint it as intimidating, yet you’ll soon realize that such is not the case. Both its hand-wheel and table height are easily adjustable, allowing you to put the jointer in prime working position. This minimizes unnecessary stress on your arms and wrists too.
Another notable quality of the Powermatic 1610086K is its wide table. In total, this space can extend to a maximum of 73-inches. The tabletop has likewise been armed with non-mar fence inserts to facilitate the movement of workpieces. This not only adds support but also protects the surface from incurring any damage. Users that are constantly working with large plywood or wooden sheets will be highly appreciative of this innovation.
All these features, coupled with a 4-sided helical cutter-head, blend well to deliver an amazing work experience. Be prepared, though, since owning one won’t come cheap. Consider only the Powermatic 1610086K Jointer with Helical Cutter-Head if you’re dead serious about enhancing your woodworking prowess. Otherwise, it would be best to just look at other options.
Another high-end model we’d like to shine the spotlight on is the Powermatic 1791317K 54HH 6-Inch Jointer. It’s very much similar to our previous feature, the Powermatic 1610086K, though slightly smaller and less expensive. This is a perfect deal for users who put a premium on quality but are currently faced with limits in either space or budget.
Among its many distinct features, it’s its cutting strength that most notably stands out. The Powermatic 1791317K 54HH comes equipped with a 1-horsepower and helical cutter-head with four-sided knife inserts. When running at its optimum speed, this blade can slice through wood like a hot knife across butter.
Moreover, a cast-iron fence system is designed to ensure straightness. This 38-inch by 4-inch structure is sturdy, precisely grounded, and flexible. You can alter its orientation by twisting it anywhere from 45 to 90-degrees, depending on how the fence aligns with your subject. After all, this feature is meant to support and guide it while moving past the blade.
We also love the Powermatic 1791317K 54HH 6-Inch Jointer’s tabletop’s size, which at 66-inches is one of the largest in its class. This structure remains stable when supporting large pieces of wood and maintains alignment through height modifications. Additionally, the in-feed and out-feed table’s elevation can both likewise be changed to fit your preference, significantly reducing the need to bend your back while working.
Functionality is probably the biggest advantage you’ll get when investing in this machine. The Powermatic 1791317K 54HH 6-Inch Jointer is a prime candidate for best jointer and will guarantee a more efficient work session whenever it is used.
Those seeking a reliable mid-level option should seriously consider the Rikon Power Tools 20-600H Benchtop Jointer. Despite not being too expensive, it provides enough features to leave an imprint on consumer’s minds. However, we also won’t lie, as it’s neither the strongest nor the most popular unit out there. Still, this tool offers solid value for its price.
At 36-lbs and 19-inches wide, the Rikon Power Tools 20-600H is ergonomically designed and effortless to take around. You can twist, turn, or drag it around to face the right away. This is especially beneficial for users that travel around a lot. At the same time, it won’t take up much space in your area.
Though this compact size does come with a slight downside. This machine is not equipped for large workpieces or wide-scale projects. We’ve also noticed how it usually takes four swipes at a ¼-inch depth to even out thick wood. By comparison, larger jointers would only need two strikes to achieve this same result. As such, we recommend using it on DIY projects or simple jobs only.
Nevertheless, there are a lot of things to love about it too. The Rikon Power Tools 20-600H Benchtop Jointer delivers a 20,000-RPM worth of cutting power through 12 knife inserts. It cuts through workpieces relatively efficiently and, through a dust port, to ensure a cleaner working area.
All in all, we can easily see just how advantageous owning this can be. Every one of its functions is geared towards helping newbies reach their full potential. Learning how to operate it is simple and won’t take up much of your time.
In an industry driven by big brands, the Cutech 40160HC-CT Bench Top Spiral Jointer quietly proves that fame doesn’t always mean success. We’ve experienced its effectivity first-hand and would want others to share in the same admiration as well. Here are some of its best attributes.
One of the first things you’d notice with this tool is how it was built. Its entire body is assembled using solid steel, which enhances durability and resistance against wear-and-tear. Even though it only measures 30-inches, the table design is very centered and can support workpieces far greater than its actual length. This structure likewise rarely shakes, even when utilized on intense jobs.
Furthermore, we also love how the blades have been put together. The Cutech 40160HC-CT Bench Top Spiral Jointer is armed with a spiral-style cutter-head that sports a 2-sided pattern and is strategically placed around the blade. All in all, there are 12 carbide inserts available, though only two touch the wood at a single time. This approach has proven to not only be thorough but also incredibly proficient in getting the task done.
Rolling this out whether on tasks at home or in the construction should prove to be a wise decision. This blend of high-performance and practicality is a flawless solution to the ever-growing needs of consumers. Best of all, you can get the Cutech 40160HC-CT Bench Top Spiral Jointer at an economical price of just under $400. Truly, this is one of the best wood jointers for the money, possibly ever.
In recent years, the brand Grizzly has slowly grown to gain mainstream attention. Sure, they’ve been around for over 30 years, but their reputation has mostly stayed within the enthusiasts in this industry. It wasn’t until only recently that consumers outside this sphere caught wind of their existence and amazing products. Innovations like this Grizzly G0725 Benchtop Jointer will only propel their company to greater heights.
Upon seeing this jointer, we immediately noticed how solid it looked. Almost all the important parts were made using cast iron. This, we believe, is intended to minimize warping and other potentially quality-altering damages. Sadly, we also noticed how its table isn’t completely straight. The space leading from the in-feed to the out-feed is slightly misaligned. Although very minor, we’re sharing this so you can start making manual adjustments.
In terms of cutting strength, the Grizzly G0725 Benchtop Jointer can deliver as much as 20,000 cuts per minute, able to reach a maximum depth of 1/8-inch each time. The blades are likewise carefully placed to ensure the greatest outcome possible. As such, the quality of wood leveled is very high so there’s no need for any back-jobs.
Those interested in this model, however, should prepare for some minor hiccups. Aside from an uneven tabletop, we also feel that the dust collector port is too small. Since jointers are notorious for making a mess, it does very little to remedy this situation. Moreover, the entire body is heavy and would probably require more than one person to carry it.
Still, the Grizzly G0725 Benchtop Jointer, in spite of all its limitations, is an option worth investing in. Both its physique and slicing prowess are enough reasons for users to take a chance. This may not be the best jointer out on the market, but it certainly makes a strong case.
Things To Consider When Buying A Wood Jointer
Next up on our best wood jointer review is what factors to look out for. At present, there are so many models available – each with their unique selling points – so choosing one can be a daunting task. Enlightening yourself on what priorities to stick to should simplify this process and save you loads of time as well.
1. Reputation
You probably didn’t expect to read this, huh? Yet one element we feel must always be contemplated on is repute. Since most wood jointers command a lot of money, you wouldn’t want to invest in a faulty piece of equipment, right?
So before forking over your payment, remember to do a quick background check first. This includes the brand history, company profile, durability of their products, warranty packages, and of course, after-sales services. Ultimately, all this is just due diligence to ensure making the correct decision.
2. Transportability
As we’ve mentioned earlier, jointers are an essential part of the woodworking procedure. These tools aren’t just used in the production stage, but also on the steps before and after that. Thus, owning a mobile machine will greatly help you move from one place to another. Particularly, on a construction site where there is never a shortage of obstructions.
This characteristic is also advantageous for professionals who work by themselves, like artists, masons, and solo furniture makers. Since transporting and fine-tuning the jointer will take less effort, they’ll no longer need an assistant. As a result, money is saved and they’re able to focus solely on what is important – creating woodcrafts with all sorts of decorations.
3. Size
Just as we previously discussed, the dimensions of your chosen model can have a profound effect on your work. This doesn’t just affect how much space it takes up; it also determines the types of jobs it is capable of doing. Basic physics teaches us that larger jointers are more durable and built for larger projects, while smaller models are better suited for simpler tasks.
Therefore, you may need to begin with the end in mind. Try to imagine where you’re planning to put it and what you’ll use it for. This would give you a clearer direction in terms of making a viable selection.
4. Dust Management
After a long day of working, don’t you just want to pack up your things and rest? Unfortunately, wood jointers are infamous for producing a lot of residue, which makes tidying up quite challenging. This period could range from fifteen minutes all the way to an hour, especially if your chosen option doesn’t employ an effectual dust management system.
When canvassing through products, please make sure the collection port is at least 2-inches wide. Don’t settle for anything less. Ensure, also, that it’s positioned in the sides or back, and not at the bottom. The positioning is crucial because this directly affects how convenient it is for you to move around. Checking these boxes should guarantee a simpler all-around cleaning process.
5. Price
It’s not coincidental that put this last. How much a product costs is arguably the most swaying consideration buyers look at. After all, as consumers, our brains have been hard-wired to find the greatest value for the least expense. Finding the middle ground would then mean getting the best deal.
When shopping for power tools, though, we would never encourage going for a cheaper model. It’s far better to invest in mid-level option that’s complete rather than a poorly put-together one. While more expensive, it should provide you with better long-term value, especially if you’re using it to make a living.
Just remember that even before looking around, it’s best to designate a budget first. This is to ensure you won’t spend more than what’s needed, while also forcing you to prioritize on specs.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
Here are three of the most commonly asked questions on the Internet. We’ve compiled them to give you a deeper understanding of wood jointers and how they’ve been conceptualized to make your life easier.
1. What is the difference between a jointer and planer?
Both tools are designed to level wooden planks, but on different stages of production. Wood planers reduce the thickness of workpieces by moving this device across it. Since these are very precise, your board needed to be evened-out prior to using this.
On the other hand, jointers work to create flat surfaces. It utilizes several knife inserts that meticulously level wood and reduce warping significantly. Furthermore, this device can also shape lumber and square out edges very well.
2. What is a reasonable warranty package to target?
Something we’ve always mentioned on all our articles is warranty. This serves as your insurance in case anything happens to your tools and trust us, the need arises more times than you think. Even something as simple as a broken part could mean catastrophic consequences for your work.
Hence, do target packages that are at least 2 years long. Make sure this includes service consultations, reduced labor costs, and free parts replacement for a certain period. If you can get a 10 or 15-day money back guarantee, then it would be a tremendous bonus.
3. How much does a mid-level jointer usually cost?
The price would really depend on the features you choose. Though reasonably speaking, a mid-tier jointer probably costs $400 to $500. Targeting models in this range would mean getting above average cutting strength, a wider table and fencing system, an able dust collection system, and reasonable warranty. Users who want to upgrade their previous models or find a second tool to use should definitely aim for this series.
Ending this best wood jointer review won’t be easy because there’s so many insights to share. But after careful deliberation, there’s one lesson that vehemently stands out.
Choosing the perfect product is like going on retreat. It’s more about your needs than what it actually offers. That is why at the end of the day, your requirements must be very clear. Don’t be fooled by complex marketing strategies attempting to sell you on things that are not essential. So as long as your chosen unit fits your budget and answers every necessity, then it’s good enough for you.
In our most humble opinion, essence clearly outweighs flashiness – and it’s not even close.
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